1. Your ADHD doesn’t take a vacation - so pack up your ADHD-friendly tools that you use when you’re at home. For example: fidget toys, earplugs, meds, even your timer if it’s something you use regularly

  2. Prior to packing, spend some time visualizing your trip. Are you going to a fancy dinner? Ziplining? Hiking? Visualize the trip ahead of time to help remind you of items that you may need to pack. Use those ADHD daydreaming skills here.

  3. Use a simple backpack/purse and keep important items in the SAME PLACE in that bag EVERY SINGLE TIME. Passport goes in THIS pocket… etc.

  4. Give yourself EXTRA TIME (This is an overall life hack 😂)

Today on the My Lady ADHD Podcast, we're diving in to all things travel-related with ADHD Coach & Travel Expert, Stuart Cohen and also my friend and fellow ADHD Advocate, Katie Sue. We chat about our traveling mishaps and offer up some helpful hacks for traveling ADHDers.

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